Wednesday, May 4, 2011

Eyza-Graphy into Lomography !

Woottt wOoottt......hey everybodyyyyyy =D
Now i'm into Lomography tOo!

 Lomography is the commercial trademark of Lomographische AG, Austria for products and services catering to the Global Modern art community of Lomographic photography. The name is inspired by the former state-run optics manufacturer LOMO PLC of Saint Petersburg, Russia. LOMO PLC created and produced the 35 mm LOMO LC-A Compact Automat camera — which became the centerpiece of Lomography's marketing and sales activities. This camera was loosely based upon the Cosina CX-1 and introduced in the early 1980s.
In 1991, the Austrian founders of Lomography discovered the Lomo LC-A. As the company states, they were "charmed by the unique, colorful, and sometimes blurry" images that the camera produced. After a series of international art exhibitions and aggressive marketing work, Lomography signed an exclusive distribution agreement with LOMO PLC — thereby becoming the sole distributor of all Lomo LC-A cameras outside of the Soviet Union. Since the introduction of the original Lomo LC-A, Lomography has produced and marketed an entire line of their own branded analog cameras. 
* Sources by Wikipedia =)

hehe.....pendek kata, Lomography ni satu trademark bg satu organisasi yang mengeluarkan kamera-kamera 'analogue' atau 'toy camera' neh. First analogue camera yg dorang kuarkan adalah LC-A+. Pastulah dorang start kuarkan mcm2 jenis kamera analog yg lain cam Diana Mini F+, Fisheye, F-stop Bang dan byk lg lah. Tp skang rmi org pggl 'analog kamera' or 'toy camera' ni sbg kamera lomo.

So, ni la rupe my first toy camera ^.^

My toy camera: Apple Juice Camera/Fuuvi - compact type
Diberi nama:  a.k.a Ryu Hoshi
D.O.B: 23/3/2011....kot hehe....
Film used:135(35mm), 200-400 ISO
n yes.....x yah pakai bateri ! 
*Awesome vignetting effect
*Take snapshots of people without them realizing.......ohh tidakk!!!sume org pandang ade laa....haha =P

Nak satu????klik sni


  1. Take your camera everywhere you go.
  2. Use it any time – day and night.
  3. Lomography is not an interference in your life, but part of it.
  4. Try the shot from the hip
  5. Approach the objects of your Lomographic desire as close as possible.
  6. Don't think! Just Shoot (also the credo of Lomography).
  7. Be fast
  8. You don't have to know beforehand what you captured on film.
  9. Afterwards either.
  10. Don't worry about any rules. (I LIKE !)

Lomography is not an interference in your life, but PART of it ! *,*

psstttt2: Pictures taken by Ryu will be uploaded sOon ! =D

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